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Is the lighting of jewelry display cabinet key to jewelry sales?


Is the lighting of jewelry display cabinet key to jewelry sales?

In the 21st century, people's material life level has been improved, and the demand for luxury goods has been greatly increased, among which jewelry is especially popular among people, especially women.Nowadays, more and more jewelry stores appear in ...
Shenzhen fan road to teach you how to decide jewelry display ark glass quality is good or bad?


Shenzhen fan road to teach you how to decide jewelry display ark glass quality is good or bad?

Display cabinet as the display platform of jewelry products, its choice importance is also quite important.The jewelry display cabinet is also the most luxurious in the display case, so we should not only choose the jewelry booth, but also the quali...
How to choose high quality jewelry display cabinet manufacturer?


How to choose high quality jewelry display cabinet manufacturer?

Five quality channels for jewelry display cabinets In the online purchase of liaoning jewelry display cabinet, how to choose the high quality jewelry display cabinet manufacturers?We advise you: 1. Check whether the content of the website is substantiate,...
Jewelry display cabinet how to increase product value to enhance brand image!


Jewelry display cabinet how to increase product value to enhance brand image!

When luxury jewelry is officially marketed, it needs to be packaged and infused with culture and emotion.The product itself at first is not emotional, it needs to go through a series of packaging, let it live, not only to make it an ornament, but...
Five jewelry display cabinet innovative new method!


Five jewelry display cabinet innovative new method!

Commercial space, the mall shopping environment constantly improve the level and development, commercial exhibition industry increases, new, shown lots of innovative ideas, the concept and new technology in constantly enrich the malls and shopping space,...
Three o 'clock teach you how to judge the quality of jewelry display case!


Three o 'clock teach you how to judge the quality of jewelry display case!

Three points will teach you how to identify the quality of the jewelry display, which is a must-have skill for every jewelry merchant.If you are a middleman or custom jewelry display for your BOSS, you should ensure the quality of the display. So h...
Maintenance of jewelry display cabinets need to be noticed five points?You know what?


Maintenance of jewelry display cabinets need to be noticed five points?You know what?

The jewelry counter in the light of the light is very strong, the temperature is very high, and a day to open a long time, if the jewelry goods especially jade surrounding humidity is not high, itself free of water molecules will evaporate, so w...
Four jewelry display cabinet design style, see which one is right for you!


Four jewelry display cabinet design style, see which one is right for you!

A jewelry display cabinet is a container used to display jewelry.Divided into glass, metal, wood and other materials!Our jewelry store shelves categories are: gold jewelry, jade jewelry, gemstone jewelry, collection and antique jewelry, etc., with the d...
What are the three kinds of cosmetic display cabinet design style?


What are the three kinds of cosmetic display cabinet design style?

Cosmetic is a beauty product, because its main composition is different, and it is related to each person's skin characteristic.So many people are using cosmetics, there will appear some skin red, swollen, painful, blister and so on, this is cosmetic...
The design of the decorative and analytical jewelry display cabinet is from the life!


The design of the decorative and analytical jewelry display cabinet is from the life!

Jewelry shelves design comes from life, the most perfect design comes from the understanding of jewelry, understand the life of the jewelry and price, to better design conforms to the product exhibition, as one of the leading jewelry shelves design,...

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  • sale1@szfunroad.com
  • guangdong province Factory: Building A, Longhu Industrial Park,  Pingshan New District, Shenzhen, China